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Not your regular just for fun theatre school... but more Confident, Courageous and Creative

Nelvin Drama Academy is a rigorous academy that trains kids how to speak, move and act affectively. Through different workshops, individual coaching and rehearsals, students are consistently being exposed to practices and challenges. We want our students to come out to the world with confidence, courage and creativity. It is with these 3Cs that a child can be successful in their future endeavor. 

We don't want good performers... we want the stars of the future.

Nelvin Drama Academy kids drama online acting toronto

Recent Level 1 graduates

Left to right: Ruby Liao (Distinction), Sabrina Wong (Merit), Renee Lin (Merit). Tiger Li (Distinction), Benneth Wang (Merit)


No one is left behind

Similar to the Acting Conservatory programs in Canada, all of our classes are limited to 7 people.

We want to make sure every kid gets as much individual attention as possible at NDA because we believe that traditional classroom teaching is not effective nowadays and there is so much more a teacher can do.

That is why we offer *weekly individual feedback  to parents and their kids so they know where their weaknesses and strengths lie.

Nelvin Drama Academy kids drama online class parents review toronto

Belle, Renee's Mother

I'm glad that my daughter has chosen the right teacher to take drama classes, Renee shows more confidence and I can see that she is a more open person now. She says it makes her happy.

Nelvin Drama Academy kids drama class online parents review toronto

Yuki, Ruby's Mother

Every time Ruby has a drama class online, all I hear from her room is laughter and joy. Ruby is very happy in Nelvin's class. She can't stop talking about your class afterward. She even made her own props and costumes for the Final Performance. Thank you Nelvin for your great teaching!




Kids rehearse their play while practicing public speaking, body language and acting all at once

In each level, we rehearse for one play. On top of that, we train our students on public speaking, body language and acting throughout the whole course, they will also be assigned homework practices according to these 3 trainings. Every level focuses on different skills. By the end of 13 weeks, students perform their final performance with the skills they've worked on. Successful students will receive a certificate of (completion/merit/distinction) depending on their growth.

Individual feedback

Direct communication

Feedback is the most important step in learning. In NDA, you can be sure that students and parents will receive individual feedbacks on their acting, voice and movement performances.

Every course at NDA is guaranteed to provide student a weekly update on their growth, these feedbacks are very specific. This includes their strengthens and their weaknesses in performance techniques, and advices on how they can improve.

Example: "Kelvin needs to practice exaggerating his "vowels", he needs to open his mouth more to pronounce these vowels, especially the "A" and "U" sounds."

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